Monday, April 28, 2008

May is bike month

And I want to take it really seriously this year. I want a partner in crime, though. Roncal and Arwyn won't work because they already are both allstars at not using cars.

Here's the deal, I want to bike and bus more and I would love to even bus a ton more this month. The obstacles to overcome: being at the bus stop by 5:55 am and riding the bus/biking 1.5 hours each way if I want to avoid using my car. BUT i can do it and it sounds more horrible than it is. When my car was at the shop, I actually enjoyed turning my brain off completely and getting on the bus. Recreation: I run late. all the time. cedar tardy sexton. that's me. in order to bike/bus on the weekends, i need to step up my organizational/scheduling skills by about 50%. or more.

Sooo, I am hoping there's someone out there who will enter a challenge with me to bike &/or bus blank days a week to work and we can offer each other moral support. If we surpass our goals, we get to do something super fun (could be go out of town, alcohol, chocolate...some cool something) and if we miss a day we were supposed to bike/bus we owe the other person money or we have to contribute a few bucks to a bike org...

I know the biggest obstacle is breaking out of my routine, I really think the rest can be fun.

Anyone in or know anyone who would be in?

ps-I use bike/bus interchangeably because either way, you are leaving a car at home and to me, that's the most important goal.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


My prius has sort of eclipsed my bicycle but I'm headed back around. The weather is so gorgeous, why would I want to be in a car if I don't have to? I'm really looking forward to a full night of riding for Roncal's birthday--it was such a marvelous time last year. Here's a few resources for all (two) of us. I'm looking forward to ordering my hard copy of the most recent Austin bike map since I have yet to successfully make it from work to home without dangerous highway crossings and spontaneous dump-outs on the deathly roads I was trying so hard to avoid.
A friend sent this one...