haha. you thought this was a blog entry about smoking pot. but it's not. in fact this in a record of the fact that comrade and i went on our first trip to the vet via bicycle/trailer. trailer trailer trailer. our appointment was at 4:20 and we were late by about 15 minutes due to traffic and the fact that hauling a dog and trailer takes significantly longer than hauling just myself through south austin.
whatever. we did it. and on our way out of the office some crazy old lady with a white haired poodle asked if i always carried my dog in "that thing." i lied a little bit and said "yes" thinking that "i always carry my dog in this thing" is pretty much the same as "i will always carry my dog in this thing." she wrinkled her nose a bit and observed, "it doesn't look very safe...." off the cuff i made up a statistic, "more people die in car accidents in austin every year than in bicycle accidents." just to shut her up. i'm pretty sure it's true even if i don't have the NHTSA report to prove it.
let me tell you, cars give a bike+trailer much more space than they give just-a-bike. and most people (who are not old ladies) love seeing a dog out and about in the city. we got a lot of expository "A DOG!"s yelled at us. i mean, my dog is super cute, and now she's got a trailer to make her look even cuter. and i am her homely, sweaty rickshaw driver.