Monday, October 1, 2007

harvest moon bike ride


last saturday at 2am i went on the harvest moon bike ride here in austin. It was pretty amazing....we met on the lamar pedestrian bridge like always but there were a lot more people there this month than last month. i would guess about 500 or so. you could see the bridge undulating under the weight which sort of distressed me a bit, but no one else cared.....

we went up exposition blvd which has some crazy hills, and we passed the restaurant i used to work at which is still nothing in its stead.....the gaggle of kids i found myself riding with sped past the first pit stop cuz we thought we were behind everyone else when really we were in front of everyone else.....silly......

the ride went all the way up to anderson lane and came down burnet/guadalupe and ended up at the top of a parking garage near the capitol downtown.....pretty amazing......i got back home around 6am and was pretty exhausted.....i saw the cute boy i flirted with last month but chickened out when it came time to walk up and talk to him. and by the time i got my nerve back, i realized he had left the ride (to go home i guess).......oh well....

i love these rides. they are empowering (i can ride to anderson lane and back) and community reinforcing (look at all my friends that i know who are here) and superfun.....

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