Sunday, April 29, 2007


last night we tightened the front brakes on arwyn's tricycle which was a feat more difficult than anticipated. she was having stopping trouble and the only brakes she has are a (noisy) coaster brake and a front hand brake. i got the pads closer to the rim but the toe in was a little off. oh well. it stops better now.

after the adjustment i gave it a test ride around the block. just for fun i tried to test its limits. i had never ridden an adult trike before and i have to say that it is not as stable as i thought it would have been. if you take a sharp turn and one of the rear wheels comes off the ground you basically tip right on over. also the steering is really susceptible to suggestion, which is aggravating and i think the result of having a really light front end as compared to the rear end. i don't really know what the solution is to either of those things. also i noticed that the 3 gear options were not what i would consider to be the most practical. i'm worried about her ability to go up moderate or steep grades.

1 comment:

tigercrush said...

you tipped over on my trike?
