Thursday, April 24, 2008


My prius has sort of eclipsed my bicycle but I'm headed back around. The weather is so gorgeous, why would I want to be in a car if I don't have to? I'm really looking forward to a full night of riding for Roncal's birthday--it was such a marvelous time last year. Here's a few resources for all (two) of us. I'm looking forward to ordering my hard copy of the most recent Austin bike map since I have yet to successfully make it from work to home without dangerous highway crossings and spontaneous dump-outs on the deathly roads I was trying so hard to avoid.
A friend sent this one...


Alyce said...

Thanks for posting those!
I need to bike more. I wish I had a little side car for Logan....I like the trailer idea - tons of people do it in Eugene. I don't think I'm quite strong enough to pull him yet, though.

tigercrush said...

we need roncal to give us a workshop!