here's a photo of Comrade and me during Critical Mass.....it's not the best shot of Comrade but you get the idea. my pedicabbing friend timothy remarked on our setup saying, "oh look. it's sort of like a little pedicab for dogs." and i, who am usually the last person to make a pun, said, "yes. you might call it a 'peticab' mightn't you?" harharhar....
ANYWAY, there had been a call for people to "pup their rides," but i was the only one with a critter on this particular ride. i was a little worried about being able to maneuver through traffic and whatnot downtown but we managed just fine.
i think i will try to organize a doggie ride cuz doggies are cute and they like to ride around town too....maybe sometime in the late summer, in the evening. we'll stop at dogparks and waterholes/ponds/pools/fountains to keep the pups cool. it'll be so much fun....
That's awesome! Phil just scored a free trailer that needs a little TLC, so we can take Logan and Sprocket around soon!
OMG. That is a really cute picture. That should be your myspace photo!
I'm always happy seeing people bring pets on the rides. I'm thinking of bringing my chihuahua on a ride soon once the weather cools down. He loves riding in my hoodie but I can't do that with the heat being what it is. Frikkin' Texas...
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